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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Gilmanshina S.I.

Today to study natural sciences at school is the formation of common cultural competencies. The result is a model of teacher professional identity on the basis of competence and professional thinking (as a necessary quality of a person for any of the expert) has become one of the key professional competencies of teacher-naturalist.

The essential components of pedagogical competence of teachers are the general cultural, general pedagogical, social, communicative, special-subject, methodological competence and autokompetentnost that are overlapping and complementary to each other. Pedagogical competence of teachers of natural sciences as an integral personal formation can not be the result of a particular educational technology. It requires the development of science and logic and the development of intuitive and creative aspects of thinking, the development of the unity of theoretical and practical knowledge components.

Professional (professionally oriented) thinking we have not seen in a narrow professional aspect as well as the most important personal qualities necessary for any professional. (Professional orientation of the person understand how personality and speaking of professional focus, we are on the formation of personality). "Core competencies are based on qualities such personalities as independent thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize, creativity, critical thinking ..." (G.V.Muhametzyanova). Professional thinking integrates these qualities, therefore, is one of the key competencies. According to the activity approach is the primary manifestation of that party's competence as a willingness to meaningful implementation of certain activities. Vocational teachers can consciously thinking independently carry out the main types of educational activities (teaching, educational, organizational and communicative, research). So it is an important quality of personality, is a key competence of the teacher and one of the main characteristics of his teaching competence.

Professional thinking as a component of general human culture has a deep humanitarian basis. This means that the higher the level of its establishment (the creative skill of the teacher of natural sciences) can not be achieved without a general liberal education, without the integration of science and humanities education, fundamentalization and innovative approaches to problem situations.

Professional thinking is generic with respect to the whole group mentioned in the literature, ways of thinking associated with a particular profession or group of professions: teachers, legal, mathematical, etc. Its specificity is manifested in the activities determined by the content and objectives of problem situations addressed by a professional at various stages of career path. This is the content side of professional thinking.

Depending on the subject, which is a teacher, on his specific role in the system of education addressed the issue greater specialization of pedagogical thinking. Professional thinking in its practical orientation in accordance with the nature of the activity - the most important element of the mechanism of the teaching profession. It provides the interrelatedness and interdependence of the main types of educational activities (training, educational, organizational, communication and research).

Therefore, from the perspective of the key characteristics of teaching activities (the study of personality of students, the motivation, the purpose, content selection, search, pedagogical tools relevant to the purpose, the result of reflection) is a professional way of thinking can be considered on the basis of competence-based approach as a backbone of the teacher competence humanistic, social and cultural, value orientation .

Bibliographic reference

Gilmanshina S.I. A NEW LOOK AT THE PROFESSIONAL TEACHER THINKING. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24187 (11.03.2025).